Denton Baby Photographer * Baby Katalina came to visit me a couple of days ago at my studio in Flower Mound. She was only 8 days new. Katalina was juuust 5 pounds, such a little babe. She did so wonderful at her newborn photoshoot!! This little girl slept the whole time. We were done with all of her sets in 2 hours and we ended up adding on more since she was such a good sleeper.
She had the cutest little cheeks. Her mom picked pink, green, and cream colors for her newborn session. I think those colors looked so amazing on her.
Its such a blessing to have sleeping babies at newborn pictures because you can get through sets really quickly.
Denton Baby Photographer | Katalina
The first two weeks of your baby’s life are a time of great change and adjustment for both you and your child. Your baby is learning how to breathe, eat, and sleep on their own, and you are learning how to care for them. It can be a challenging time, but it is also a time of great joy.
Here are some things to expect during your baby’s first two weeks of life:
Feeding. Your baby will need to be fed frequently, every 2-3 hours during the day and night. It is important to feed your baby on demand, rather than on a schedule. This will help them to learn to regulate their own hunger and fullness cues.
Sleeping. Your baby will sleep a lot, about 16-18 hours per day. They may not have a regular sleep schedule at first, but they will eventually start to fall into a pattern.
Diapers. Your baby will go through a lot of diapers in the first two weeks. It is important to change their diaper frequently, especially after they eat or have a bowel movement.
Bathing. You can start bathing your baby as soon as you get home from the hospital. It is important to use warm water and mild soap.
Clothing. Your baby will need to wear soft, loose-fitting clothing. You may want to dress them in layers so that you can adjust their clothing as needed.
Vaccinations. Your baby will need to receive their first set of vaccinations at two weeks of age. These vaccinations will help to protect them from serious diseases.
Visits to the doctor. You will need to take your baby to the doctor for regular checkups. These checkups are important to monitor your baby’s growth and development.
The first two weeks of your baby’s life are a time of great change and adjustment, but it is also a time of great joy. Enjoy this special time with your new little one.
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